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How Often Do You Get a Dental Cleaning?

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Have you noticed dark patches on your teeth, especially near the gum line, and at the intersection of two teeth? These are tartar deposits composed of thousands of harmful bacteria and are known to severely upset your oral health. Hence, dentists recommend patients to brush their teeth at least twice a day and have routine dental cleanings bi-annually.

Do you visit your dentist regularly?

If tartar deposits are left on the teeth for a long time, they release harmful acids and toxins that can erode the enamel and decay the surrounding gum tissues. In order to avoid these, dental cleaning sessions are recommended regularly, most often once in six months. During the consultation, the dentist will conduct a thorough diagnosis of your mouth to check for the onset of cavities and other oral infections. If any such signs are found, they will be treated accordingly.

How is oral cleaning conducted?

Oral cleaning is carried out through two distinctive procedures, namely scaling and root planing. During scaling, the dentist uses a hand-held ultrasonic scaling device to dislodge the hard and sticky deposits, after which it will be washed off with a jet of water. The procedure is painless and non-invasive. On the other hand, root planing is performed to remove tartar from the root surfaces and clean the gum pockets. A hook-like scaling tip is inserted between the gums and tooth roots, and the tartar is scraped off. Also, if any imperfections are present on the root, they will be gotten rid of by smoothening the surface.

Why should you get oral cleaning done?

  • Oral cleaning removes most of the harmful bacteria from the mouth.
  • It is quite effective in preventing cavities and gum diseases.
  • Patients with periodontitis or gingivitis can get significant relief from the diseases by getting root planing done.
  • Patients usually have a fresher breath after plaque and tartar are removed.
  • The teeth appear more aesthetically pleasing after the dark tartar patches are removed.

Schedule an online appointment or call us at (801) 716-7006 to have a consultation with Dr. Reynolds, and we’ll be happy to guide you further.