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Everything You Need to Know About Veneers

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Have you come across dental veneers used for various restorative purposes? We use veneers to restore damaged and misshapen teeth to their ideal condition. Though they are primarily used for cosmetic dental purposes, dentists also use them to support the teeth structurally and cover surface imperfections. Here’s a worthy read that will help you get a better idea of dental veneers.

What are veneers made from?

Veneers are custom-fabricated according to the requirement of each patient. They can be customized in terms of color, texture, and contour, thanks to the material used to make them. Dental grade ceramic is a highly durable and strong substance used in the manufacture of several types of dental restorations. It is biocompatible, resistant to staining, and easy to maintain.

What are veneers used for?

Veneers are used to restore the following oral conditions:

Discolored teeth: Usually, teeth discoloration is treated using whitening solutions. But, if the staining is severe, bonding a veneer to its frontal surface is the best way to handle it.

Chipped and misshapen teeth: Teeth that have gone out of shape due to damage can be brought back to their ideal contour using veneers.

Cracked or broken teeth: Your teeth may crack or break when you sustain external oral trauma or bite something too hard. Such teeth can be restored using veneers.

Excessive spacing: Spacing is a type of malocclusion where the teeth are spaced too far apart from each other. The excessive spaces can be eliminated using veneers.

How long do veneers last?

Once you get veneers, the dentist will advise you on how to care for the restorations. Some of the things to avoid are tearing open plastic bags using the teeth, biting hard objects, opening a bottle with your teeth, etc. They could damage the veneers, and hence, it is best to avoid them. Veneers last for several years together, provided you take care of them. Optimum oral hygiene is also in order.

What is the procedure involved?

When you visit us for the initial consultation, our dentist will thoroughly diagnose you and check for factors that could affect the procedure. Some of the things we look into are the presence of cavities, damaged teeth, cracks and other surface imperfections, discoloration, gum diseases, etc. Based on these, the dentist will determine your candidacy for veneers.

Next, we will use a hand-held, highly precise scanning tool to scan the teeth and create a 3D digital mold. It will be used by a dental laboratory to fabricate the veneer. Further, we may place a temporary veneer until the permanent one is ready to be bonded. We use photosensitive dental adhesives to bond the veneer. It will be hardened using a high intensity curing light, after which we will polish it to enhance its aesthetics.

Schedule an online appointment or call us at (801) 716-7006 to have a consultation with Dr. Reynolds, and we’ll be happy to guide you further.