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Benefits of Deep Cleaning

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A deep cleaning procedure is sometimes called root planing and scaling, and it involves cleaning down to the roots of the teeth. Dental professionals call this gum therapy. An ordinary dental cleaning consists of the dentist or hygienist cleaning the teeth above the gum line from the front, back, and sides.

In deep teeth cleaning, the dentist also removes tartar and other buildups from the pocket between the root of the tooth and the gum line, which has formed between the root of the tooth and the gumline.

The Cleaning Process

During a deep cleaning or a dental deep cleaning procedure, the gums or periodontal tissues are scaled, and the roots are prepared. Electric instruments or ultrasonic instruments, or a manual dentist scaling tool can be used for either aspect of deep teeth cleaning or a combination of both procedures.

Steps involved in Dental Cleaning

Scaling and root planing are the two steps of deep dental cleaning. Scaling removes all the plaque and tartar that is below the gum line. Root planing removes all the plaque and tartar in the crown area of the tooth.

Then there’s root planing, which includes using a piece of equipment to polish the tooth’s root and aids in the reattachment of the gums to the tooth, shrinking the size of the pocket or space that might contain undesirable buildup.

When the dental hygienist performs root planning, they use a scaling instrument to clear plaque, tartar, and other debris from your teeth’ roots. This technique helps smooth the roots and reattach them to the gums, thereby minimizing the gap between the gums and teeth. Gum diseases such as gingivitis can be treated through deep cleaning and prevented from worsening to the point that surgery or more intensive procedures are required.

When Would I Need to Get My Teeth Deep Cleaned?

After your dentist examines your teeth and gums and takes X-rays to determine the health of your mouth, they may recommend a deep cleaning.

As an alternative to periodontal surgery, deep teeth cleaning is often recommended if your gums are infected or dealing with gingivitis that has caused pockets or spaces around your teeth that are 5 millimeters deep.

Remember that if you don’t treat your gingivitis or other gum issues, it may progress into periodontitis. This is when the pockets between your teeth and gums become so deep that the bacteria infect your bones and the supporting structures of your teeth. If left unchecked, it could cause your teeth to become loose and fall out or need excision. Deep cleaning could also aid shrink pockets and delay or stop the growth of gingivitis gum disease.

Westwood Dental offers in-house dental cleaning services at Draper, UT. For details and appointments, give us a call at  (801) 716-7006, book online, and visit us at 11576 S State St Suite #1201, Draper, UT 84020.